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Herbal Remedies

Herbal Remedies

Symptoms and Natural Treatment for Psoriasis or Skin Problem

By bruce at 2010-12-06 07:02:16
Most people with psoriasis report that no particular event or illness preceded or brought about their condition, but several well-known triggers include stress, strep infection, and some medications. Although the likelihood for familial transmission may not seem significant, there is a definite genetic predisposition for psoriasis. Etiological factors of this disease are unclear. Known precipitating factors include trauma infection (haemolytic streptococcal infection) and endocrine changes.

Symptoms for Psoriasis:

Symptoms of psoriasis can vary greatly in intensity, frequency, and duration among individuals. Symptoms can be minimal and include infrequent outbreaks of small patches of raised areas of thickened skin and lesions that are covered with whitish scales. Other people experience frequent breakouts on more areas of skin.

Itching may also be a symptom. Scratching, however, often does not relieve the itch and can lead to increased inflammation, more intense itching, and harder scratching. Complications of scratching include a secondary bacterial infection or fungal infection of the surrounding skin and tissues. This is called cellulitis and can be potentially serious for some people.

Symptoms of psoriasis most often affects the knees, elbows, lower back and scalp. It can also affect the armpits, under the breasts, hands and feet and around the genitalia. Psoriasis can also affect the nails, which causes thickening of the nails. Nails affect by psoriasis separate from the skin and are also pitted. Some people with psoriasis also develop psoriatic arthritis, which is similar to rheumatoid arthritis and causes painful, stiff joints.

Natural Treatment for Psoriasis and Home Remedies:

Make fine powder of dried Azadizrachta Indica tree leaves and store in a clean bottle. Take one teaspoonful (5gms) of Azadizrachta Indica tree leaves with a glass of water twice a day.
Half a teaspoon of pure turmeric. It is added to one teaspoon of a powder of the leaves of Azadizrachta Indica tree and should be taken twice a day with lukewarm water.
Make a pack of tender Azadizrachta Indica tree leaves and little bit of pure turmeric powder. This should be applied over the affected area before taking bath. You should take bath with water boiled in Azadizrachta Indica tree leaves after the above stated application.
Fish oils ( e.g. Cod liver oil) can be used with some success in treating psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis especially in your case. Beneficial effects starts to appear after around 3 months on a diet rich in fish oils and seem to reach their maximum at 5-6 months.

Find powerful herbal remedies
Herbal Treatment for Skin Disease

Topical Therapy (usually used to treat mild to moderate psoriasis):

Emollients (moisturizers) help soften scales and reduce discomfort
Steroid creams and ointments help reduce inflammation. They range in strength from very potent to mild. (See below)
Tazarotene (Tazorac) is a topical retinoid for treating mild to moderate plaque psoriasis
Anthralin or other coal tar preparations help to slow skin cell reproduction
Vitamin D3 or calcipotriene (brand name Dovonex)
Bath solutions, such as mineral salts or oatmeal additives, assist in soothing skin and encouraging healing

Phototherapy (used alone or in combination with other therapies to treat moderate to severe psoriasis):
Ultraviolet Light B (UVB), either outdoors or from a light box in a physician's office, helps to heal lesions.
Psoralen and Ultraviolet Light A (PUVA) - involves the combined use of a photosensitizing medication, called psoralen and a long-wave ultraviolet light (UVA).
Excimer lasers may be used to treat a small, localized area of psoriasis. They are a way to deliver UVB light directly to the psoriasis without exposing normal skin.

Natural Remedies for Psoriasis

Natural Home Remedies and also more read on herbalcureindia.com
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