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Herbal Remedies

Herbal Remedies

Causes and How to Treat Diarrhea

By bruce at 2010-12-08 05:25:01
Diarrheal diseases are a leading cause of childhood morbidity and mortality in developing countries, and an important cause of malnutrition. In 2001 an estimated 1.5 million below 5 years died from diarrhoea. On average, children below 3 years of age in developing countries experience three episodes of diarrhea each year. Eight out of 10 of these deaths occur in the first two years of life. In many countries diarrhea, including cholera, is also an important cause of morbidity among older children and adults.


Infection: Infection by bacteria such as Salmonella Typhimurium, E. coli, or viruses such as Herpes Simplex and hepatitis virus can cause diarrhoea.
Laxatives: Laxatives produce increase in peristalsis thereby bringing about diarrhoea.
Chemicals: Ingestion of certain chemicals can lead to diarrhoea e.g. Lead (found in toys and paints)
Antibiotics: The use of antibiotics for the treatment of other diseases can produce diarrhoea as a side effect.
Food: Food that has excessive roughage can also increase peristalsis and lead to diarrhoea. Vegetables and fruits when consumed in high quantity can particularly produce diarrhoea.
Anxiety: Anxiety or emotional stress increases adrenaline discharge into the blood stream. This in turn speeds up metabolic processes and increases peristalsis. This leads to diarrhoea.
Other causes of diarrhoea include excessive alcohol, coffee, sweets and spicy foods.
Worm infestation
Irritable bowel syndrome
Bowel cancer.

Give supplemental zinc (10 - 20 mg) to the child, every morning for 14 days
Zinc can be given as a syrup or as dispersible tablets, whichever formulation is available and affordable. By giving zinc as soon as diarrhoea starts, the duration and severity of the episode as well as the risk of dehydration will be reduced. By continuing zinc supplementation for 14 days, the zinc lost during diarrhoea is fully replaced and the risk of the child having new episodes of diarrhoea in the following 2 to 3 months is reduced. Give 20 mg per day for infants and children above 6 months old and only 10mg per day for infants below 6 months old.


VadjrasanaIn cases of Diarrhoea Co-operation and support must be given to Nature`s effort for eliminating the faecal matter and toxic substances accumulated in the intestines rather than trying to stop the process.

The accumulated faecal matter in intestine is cleansed by taking enema of warm water mixed with lemon juice for two to three days. After this. Hip bath of cold water alongwith Wet abdomen pack should be taken. Mud pack over abdomen should be used several times in Diarrhoea. This treatment gives quick relief.

When Diarrhoea starts if only butter-milk is taken after two to three days of fast, it. gives quick relief. After this, use of Dalia, Khichadi, Orange and Mousami etc. should be continued. It believes that continuous Indigestion is the cause of Diarrhoea and fasting is the best remedy for Indigestion.

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Home Remedies For Diarrhea

Very frequent loose motions are likely to develop dehydration in the body. In such a condition, a solution of Honey and lemon juice or table salt and sugar should be taken after short intervals. The continuous application of Cold pack over abdomen or Cold Hip bath or Cold abdominal pack of prolonged duration controls the situation effectively. The patients of Diarrhoea should avoid hard physical and mental work and tense situations.

The four naval correcting asanas may also be practised for the prevention of recurrent loose motions due to the displacement of naval towards lower side. Practice of Kunjala in morning is also helpful in bringing the naval in its proper place. After this Udara Shakti Vikasaka exercises of Yogic Sukshma Vyayama and Tadasana, Katichakrasana, Padahastasana, Suptapavanmuktasana and Vajrasana may also be practised gradually. Surya bhedana Pranayama and Agnisara kriya are very beneficial to cure this disease.

Diarrhea Herbal Treatment

Home Remedies and also more read on gontauralremedies.com
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