Romantika or measles is a very common disease, especially seen among children below ten years of age. This is a respiratory disease and is extremely contagious. Another name for romantika is rubeola. The treatment of measles is a natural process. Only some precautions need to be taken. The mortality rate due to romantika is very low.
Causes of Measles:
Romantika is caused due to the paramyxo virus. The paramyxo virus thrives in air and hence the disease is airborne. The ways in which the romantika virus is transmitted from one person to another are as follows:-
If a person comes in direct physical contact with an affected person, then he or she too has the chance of contracting measles. This chance is greater in the first two days of the onset of measles.
The virus causing romantika can live in the sputum, saliva and phlegm of the affected person. This can be transmitted to another healthy person if the affected person coughs, sneezes or even talks and laughs loudly.
Even if the diseased person is kept in isolation, there is a chance of spreading the disease through the clothes, or simply through the air.
Ayurveda has defined romantika as a disease caused by the vitiation of both the pitta and kapha doshas of the body. Pitta dosha represents fire. Pittadosha is responsible for the proper functioning of the body. Kapha dosha represents both the water and the earth. This dosha is required for the proper coordination of the person with the external environment. Hence, a fluctuation in either the pitta or kapha dosha leads to measles.
Symptoms of Measles: The onset is gradual with rhinitis, drowsiness, loss of appetite, gradual elevation of temperature for the first two days, when the fever may rise to 101 to 103 degrees (F).
Koplik's spots usually appear on the buccal (inner cheek) mucosa opposite the molars on the second or third day.
About the fourth day, fever usually reaches a higher elevation than previously, at times as high as 104 to 106 degrees (F). With this recurrence the rash appears.
The measles rash first appears on the face, being seen early as small maculopapular lesions that increase rapidly in size and coalesce in places, often causing a swollen, mottled appearance. The rash extends to the body and extremities, and in some areas may resemble the rash of scarlet fever.
A cough, present at this time, is due to bronchitis produced by the inflammatory condition of the mucous membranes, which undoubtedly corresponds to the rash seen on the skin.
Ordinarily, the rash lasts from 4 to 5 days; and as it subsides, the temperature declines. Consequently, five days after the appearance of the rash, the temperature should be normal or approximately normal in uncomplicated cases.
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Treatment for Measles: Treatment of the measles starts with prevention. The best protection from getting or spreading the measles is getting vaccinated as recommended with the measles, mumps, and rubellaa vaccine (MMR). It is also important to ensure that measles vaccination is up to date when travelling to areas of the world where measles is still common, such as parts of Africa and Asia.
Preventing the spread of measles and other contagious diseases includes covering the mouth and nose with an elbow or a tissue when sneezing or coughing and washing hands frequently with soap and water for at least 15 seconds.
There is currently no cure for the measles. Good supportive care is needed to keep the body strong and able to resist secondary bacterial infections until the disease runs its course, usually in about 10 to 14 days.
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