Freckles or brown spots are the round, flat, darker toned spots that appear on a person’s skin. These freckles or spots are mainly a result of the precipitation of pigment in one area of a person’s skin. Freckles can be inherited hence entire families and successive generations could suffer from this problem. Normally freckles do not have any medical consequence. Thus they are not really a cause of any problem. They however are sensitive to the UV rays of the sun. Thus the freckles would be very noticeable on a person from the condition. The freckles are noticeable when such persons are exposed to sunlight or just return after being exposed to sunlight. They can form on any part of a person’s body, but they mainly occur on those parts of a body that are largely exposed to the sun.
Natural Remedies for Freckles
Freckles may be unsightly and a cause of cosmetic concern for many. Here are some natural remedies that will help you deal with freckles at home - Apply sour cream on your face. Do not rinse this mask off completely; gently wipe off with a soft tissue and top it up with a moisturizer. Lemon juice is a tried and tested remedy for treating freckles. Apply lemon juice with your fingers on the affected area; lemon juice bleaches the dark spots. Regular use of fruit and vegetable masks such as those made with apricots, strawberries, cucumbers and red currant will help lighten freckles. Wash your face with sour milk. Lactic acid promotes gentle peeling of skin minus the irritation or dryness. Heat honey slightly and apply to face, tap face gently with your fingers. Wash honey off with warm water then rinse with cool water. Stir in a little quantity of wheat germ into the honey before applying. Horseradish juice or horseradish vinegar, or oatmeal dabbed on the skin is also helpful in lightening freckles. Apply parsley juice mixed with equal amounts of lemon juice, orange juice, and red currant juice under your favorite cream will help you keep your freckles invisible. Apply odorless castor oil or vitamin E at night before going to bed. Dissolve some sugar in the juice of one lemon. Apply mixture to each freckle with a brush. Grind yellow mustard in milk and apply to the face during the night. Wash your face the next morning. Onions also can be used for removing freckles and age spots. Slice a red onion in half and rub on the spots twice daily. Continue until the spots fade. Applying buttermilk on freckles is thought to help in lightening them. Mix an equal quantity of turmeric and sesame seeds. Grind in water and apply to the face. Take a watermelon, make a hole in its rind and introduce some grains of rice in it. Take out the rice after a week. Grind into a paste and apply on the face. To lighten freckles, mash 1/4 cup of unripe currants and mix with 1 tbsp. of unpasteurized honey. Put on freckles and leave on for half an hour. Rinse off with warm water and dab on diluted fresh lemon juice.
Find powerful herbal remedies Removes Freckles
Spending too much time outside in the sun may help cause freckles in some individual or make them darker. Kids who have fair complexions and their skin and eyes are light in color are most likely to have freckles as well as people with fair skin light complexion who has less melanin in his or her skin to begin with, but some of their melanocytes make more melanin than other. Melanin is a chemical produced by the skin cells called melanocytes and responsible to protect the skin from sun damage by reflecting and absorbing ultraviolet rays. The more melanin individuals have in their skin, the tanner the look. Such fair skin people when are exposed to the sun instead of getting a suntan, they may easily get freckles.
Today getting rid of freckles is easily achieved with lasers treatment because the treatment can be pinpointed at even a very small spot causing very small lesions to the skin. Other methods used in the quest to getting rid of freckles include the intake or topical application of Retin-A, which is a good treatment, but may take several months of use of the product before seeing good results.
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