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Herbal Remedies

Herbal Remedies
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Beauty Face Tips for Glow your Skin

By bruce at 2010-12-10 03:55:58
Face scrubs are very good as they slough away dead cells and give a glow to the dead and lifeless looking complexion. Take care not to use a scrub when you have angry looking pimples on the face. A scrub can at times aggravate the situation. To make it easier use the scrub under the category of your skin type. The same with face packs. Use only what is suitable to your skin. Though the homemade packs are very gentle and will not cause any harm, do keep in mind, any allergies you may have.

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Natural Home remedies for Colon Cleansing

By bruce at 2010-12-10 03:55:29
Colon cleansing is necessary to keep your body healthy and free from toxins. There are various colon cleansing procedures which are being used by doctors. But many people would like to cleanse their colon naturally by using various home remedies for colon cleansing. You can use these home remedies for colon cleansing to cleanse your colon and eliminate the toxins from your body within the comforts of your home. The following is a discussion about the different home remedies for colon cleansing:
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Home Remedies and Natural Cures for Health Care at Home

By bruce at 2010-12-10 03:54:52
Home remedies and natural cures or medicines made at home from natural ingredients such as fruits, vegetables, herbs are catching a lot of attention due to its very nature of cure: simple, no side effects, no chemicals, inexpensive, plus the pleasure of being able to cure yourself!. Read on for how all this is useful and how people are using these home made methods in their day to day lives to stay fit and healthy.

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Causes and Treatment for Urinary Tract Infection

By bruce at 2010-12-10 03:54:24

Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) is an encroachment by the bacteria of the urinary tract which includes kidney, ureters, bladder or urethra. This bacterium enters the opening of the urethra and procreates in the urinary tract causing urinary tract infection. This can be very painful and a major cause of distress in your life. If it is not contained in the earlier stages it is likely to spread to your kidneys, which can become
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Herbal Remedies and Treatments for Permanent Pain Reliever

By bruce at 2010-12-10 03:53:44
Herbs have proven to be an effective joint pain remedies, some herbs are meant for oral consumption while few are for topical use, using anyway, these have no side effects and can go along with allopathic treatments. However dosage shall be worked out in expert's guidance as few of these herbs are very strong.

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